Maybe i'll start by introducing myself.
Hi! My name is Sam, great name i think, no spelling mistakes required. I live in a town called Waroona and i go to a lovely and green private school called Frederick Irwin, honestly, i don't enjoy my time spent there, but i guess i would say that for every school i could possibly be at. 16, 17 on the 9th of September, (P Plates WOOHOO) and thats about all you need to know for the present time.
So this blog is about finding a balance in year 12, meaning social and school, according to my sister, i am quite the social butterfly, which is true to an extent but i guess i could spend my time more wisely. Then raises the question, who wants to be doing homework on a weekend (snore) when you could be out having a fab time with the people that you love the most! I'm probably going to be arguing this with my family for the rest of this year, which is already becoming a drag of under-average marks.
Today dad and i were having an argument over doing a driving lesson for two hours, this afternoon i felt like crap and did not want to sit in a car where some lady turns the steering wheel for me every two seconds... Personal bubble please! Anyway during this argument he said "well i can cancel your driving test, want me to do that?" and i smartly commented back with "You want to drive me around for the rest of your life" he replied with "I drive you around every party anyway, you can walk" and then it made me think, bar two weekends ago, i haven't asked him to drive me hardly anywhere, nor mumma bear, and i know parents are gods given taxi's but lately i have chosen not to use them as much. I have the boyfriend and i had my friend who recently moved out of town, it makes me wonder, do my friends with lisences feel like a taxi? oh who knows i guess i will find out when i finally get mine.
Anyway this blog is supposed to be about school too, my marks have never been good. I would say average or below, not like my genius sister whom will probably run the universe one day, no idea why the self-motivation and smart genes didn't get to me as well. This year i have started to try a bit more than before, its probably a pathetic amount of work compared to someone who is very committed to school, but i mean, atleast i do my homework most of the time. I also made a promise to myself that i would hand every assignment in on time, and be at school for every assessment, so far so good. Having started school 6 weeks ago, i have had many-a topics to cover, meaning tests and assignments, through the work and STUDY i have put in for these tasks, results have not followed :(
History Document Study: 61%
Maths Test: 47%
English Essay: 59%
These marks arent exactly fantastic, i would atleast want to average in the 60% range, not sit on crappy 50s, and 40s. Also i would love if my parents understood that i am also disappointed in my marks, i don't appreciate all the yelling and crap that goes on when i tell them something about school. Anyway i could write a whole novel on my family and the crap about school i get from them, maybe another time.
I think this is a good effort for a first blog ever.
i know nobody is going to read this, but i guess my sister is right, blogging is therapudic.
till next time
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